Columbia University
New York, NY

When: April 11, 2022

Where: Columbia University, 1130 Amsterdam Avenue, Hamilton Hall, Room 707

Topic: Red T Pedagogical Module II

Columbia University<br/>New York, NY

After a long Covid pause, we resumed testing of the Red T Pedagogical Module in Dr. Isabelle Zaugg’s class “Global Language Justice in the Digital Sphere: Theory and Practice” at the Institute for Comparative Language and Society (ICLS) at Columbia University. This module (the pilot run of which took place in 2019) was conceived by Dr. Alexandra Mendez within the framework of CU’s Global Language Justice initiative and familiarizes students with the Red T cause, specifically, Translator/Interpreter (T/I) incidents as well as data gathering and analysis for an advocacy project. As their assignment, students select a specific region/country and search open sources–whether the media or court records–for incidents of T/I persecution and prosecution, analyze the findings and enter them into the T/I incident data template.

We thank Dr. Zaugg, Dr. Mendez and ICLS for their support of the Red T database.

For more information on the Global Language Justice Initiative, please visit: Explorations in Global Language Justice and Initiatives (current)