Open Letters
Joining Voices!

Translators and interpreters have been increasingly subject to unjust persecution, prosecution, and imprisonment in countries across the world. To publicize and combat this critical state of affairs, Red T launched the Open Letter Project in 2012 with the support of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) and the International Federation of Translators (FIT). The project’s objective is to advocate on behalf of these embattled linguists by sending letters of appeal to the relevant authorities. In 2013, the effort was joined by the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) and, in 2015, by Critical Link International (CLI) and the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI). Soon after, the above six core members welcomed the following as permanent signatories: the Conférence Internationale Permanente d’Instituts Universitaires de Traducteurs et Interprètes (CIUTI), the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (EFSLI), the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association (EULITA), the European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation (ENPSIT), the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT-USA), and Global Voices Lingua. A number of other signatories participate on an ad hoc basis by supporting select appeals.

We encourage you to become part of our project by writing a letter of your own. Every voice matters!

June 2023

To: The President of the Swiss Confederation

Re: Even One Victim Is One Too Many

November 2022

To: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Re: With Data Absent, Impunity Abounds

August 2022

To: German Federal Ministers

Re: A Beacon of Light

July 2022

To: The Supreme Leader of Iran

Re: Criminalizing the Profession

May 2021

To: The Secretary General of NATO

Re: Resolute Action

April 2021

To: The U.S. Secretary of State

Re: Lives at Stake

November 2020

To: The Immigration Minister of Canada

Re: A Pathway to Protection

February 2020

To: The Prime Minister of Australia

Re: A Humanitarian Promise

July 2019

To: The Chancellor of the Republic of Germany

Re: A Plea for Safe Haven

May 2019

To: The UN Secretary-General

Re: A Vital POC Building Block

August 2017

To: The President of France

Re: Modern-day Harkis?

March 2017

To: The Supreme Leader of Iran

Re: No Death for Content

March 2017

To: The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Re: A Moral and Strategic Imperative

January 2017

To: The President of the United States

Re: Your Most Important Asset

October 2016

To: The President of Turkey

Re: Silencing Free Speech

August 2016

To: The Immigration Minister of Canada

Re: A Fast-track to Resettlement

May 2016

To: Members of the U.S. Congress

Re: Rescue the SIV Program

October 2015

To: The Prime Minister of Greece

Re: The Forgotten Five

September 2015

To: The President of Turkey

Re: Criminalizing Our Job

June 2015

To: The Holy See

Re: A Call to Action

September 2014

To: The Prime Minister of The Netherlands

Re: The Backbone of Your Mission

July 2014

To: The President of Poland

Re: Time Is of the Essence

September 2013

To: The Minister of Defense of Spain

Re: A Matter of Life and Death

August 2013

To: The President of France

Re: Arbitrary Selection Criteria

June 2013

To: The Chancellor of the Republic of Germany

Re: Red Tape and Rejections

June 2013

To: The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Re: A "Moral Obligation"

May 2013

To: The Prime Minister of Denmark

Re: Geography Does Not Equal Safety

April 2013

To: The Prime Minister of Sweden

Re: Where Law Meets Compassion

February 2013

To: The U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security

Re: Overly Broad “Terrorism Bars”

August 2012

To: The Supreme Leader of Iran

Re: Upholding Article 19 of the ICCPR

May 2012

To: The Supreme Leader of Iran

Re: Locking Up Freedom of Expression

Thank you to Eriksen Translations and the International Association of Conference Interpreters for translating select Open Letters.